Wednesday, September 30

something to share

The things about the Ansoy-and-a-book-relationship:

1. I love to smell the pages of a book *sniff sniff*
2. Every now and then I pause reading. I don't wanna finish off a good novel fast. Why? Because I'm afraid I will miss the characters and everything :))
3. I don't open a book W---I---D---E---L---Y to be able to NOT DIVIRGINIZE it. Ha-ha
4. Some nights I choose 2-5 read novels and reread, but not finishing off.
5. It's seldom that I read one book at a time. I so love multi-reading.
6. I love to choose the best covers and versions of books.
7. But I end up buying the cheapest version. Ha-ha ECONOMY ECONOMY! It's the same story after all.
8. I'm not a fan of hardbound books. I prefer the paperback.
9. When there's a real good novel I've just read it would take me a while to get over it. I'll talk about that with someone really often to the point of irritation and let's-end-up-this-discussion-please. ;)
10. I SLEEP WITH MY BOOKS. Ask me how!

P.S. If you're not a wormie yet better be a wormie now 'cause reading is really one of the best hobbies in the world. You'll get to meet a lot of different people, can go to places and learn a loooooot, by just sitting or lying down. READADOOO NOW! ;P


  1. I really thought it was me who wrote that list of ten for a while there, hahaha! But I'd make it eleven if it were me: 11. I haven't finished reading more than half of my collection, haha. Impulsive buyer kasi ko those days--"multi-reading" is also my thing, you see. I must say though na kung unsa man to akong mga nahuman ug basa, they were really worth the sleepless nights and tardy days :P
