Astig is a Filipino indie film directed by Giuseppe Bede Sampedro. It stars Sid Lucero, Arnold Reyes, Edgar Allan Guzman, Dennis Trillo and many more. Set in
The flow of the sotry with all the characters related to each other is a cliché in Filipino film and TV. I always observe that in every teleserye or movie characters are a family, a lost brother, a friend and the like. But the difference in this movie is that somehow they’re all connected but not in a personal way. The timeline is good enough but not very impressing if a viewer is used to that kind of style and watched better films than this. I also noted the indie film trademark on shots and camera movements which are mostly unsteady and fast moving, fast zoom in and zoom out, and often juxtaposed. That gives the movie a pump effect but if overused it makes watchers dizzy. I also observed the flaws in dubbing which is very common to Filipino movies. On the other hand the introduction part is good; the music is groovy and the editing of the juxtaposed shots is excellently done.
Some symbols I observed were the removal of Ariel’s necklace. It is a symbol of losing and starting to pay back for all his wrongdoings, or in short it’s his karma. Second, is the breaking of Boy’s piggy bank. It is also the breaking of his dreams to have a hassle free delivery for his girlfriend and to all he had aimed for in the beginning. There’s also a sound metaphor during Boy’s encounter with the old hag. The sound in the background is a crying lady. It’s like a symbol of his crying will while doing the very odd job just for money. The leitmotif was the saints which showed no help in the characters’ misfortune in life.
The movie sends a message of the reality that life is not always sweet and beautiful. There are real people with real sufferings and misfortunes. The point is that no matter what challenges are thrown at us we must still dare to stand against them. As the quote says, “Fall eight times, stand up ninth”. It also showed that everyone can be connected. The things we do may affect others without our knowing. Therefore, we must be wise enough in making our decisions in life, because we may never know the harm or benefit it can be for others.
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